Saturday, September 26, 2009

Vegetarians, please help!

First of all, a big THANK YOU for all the feedback we've getting. It is helping us a lot. In our effort to continuously improve The Farm based on feedback that you give us, we review feedback every week and we've been able work on everything relevant but one particular feedback that we get every week.

Since you, our customers, have been giving us the feedback I think it is best to look to you for a solution. We've been racking our brains and have not been able to come up with an effective solution. We do have some ideas but we'd like to hear from you too.

"There should be more variety for vegetarians" is the comment that stares at us from vegetarians' feedback forms every weekend. No matter what we try, this feedback refuses to go away. It haunts us day and night. Basically the vegetarians are asking for more and we don't know what the problem is. To dig deeper, let's review our typical dinner menu:

  • Chicken Kebabs
  • Mutton Sheekh/Tikki
  • Masala Fish
  • Pork Chop
  • Beer Chicken
  • Chicken Pizza
  • Chicken Paratha
  • Soup
  • Garlic Bread
  • Grilled Salad
  • Paneer Tikka
  • Stuffed Mushroom
  • Allo Sheekh/Tikki
  • Baked Tomato stuffed with herb rice
  • Grilled Brinjal with Cheese and Garlic
  • Allo Paratha
  • Gobi or Paneer Paratha
  • Dal & Rice
  • Pizza with 7-8 veg topping options
It is pretty clear that there is more veg than non-veg on The Feast menu.

We have an idea what the core issue may be. We understood this when we visited places with similar concepts - like Kebab Factory. They segregate their veg and non-veg customers. You choose between a veg and non-veg dinner. At The Farm we have no such restriction. So maybe, just maybe, the vegetarians are feeling short changed because the non vegetarians have 'more variety' since they can, and actively do, eat veg and non-veg.

In that case, increasing the offering on vegetarian choices will not help at all. The meat eaters will still have more variety no matter how many dishes we add to the veg menu.

The other option is for us to segregate our customers too. We really do not want to do that. We would hate it if we had to restrict choices for anyone. We make good food and would like you to enjoy everything without having to pay an arm and a leg. Maybe its time we went to a printed menu. I don't know yet.

We have the feedback so please help us with a solution. Any suggestions/recommendations/solutions/ideas will help.